
时间:2024-10-31 22:57:45


last week i went to peking university and tsinghua university where i was invited to deliver lec(更多精彩内容请访问首页:WwW.)tures on “learning english with passion”. i found out that all those students have something in common; they all have determinations to learn english well . that's thevery reason why i gave lectures at more than ten most prestigious universities with an attempt to help students who want to conquer english within the shortest time.

that’s true, having a good command of english is vitally significant and profound. here i would like to give all my friends and students some advice for the future learning in terms of the experience i got from being a teacher for many language training schools and being interpreter for government as well as embassies. being an interpreter is by no means easy, which needs to have a good command of listening, understanding or decoding and speaking. as soon as i hear the original voice from the speaker, meanwhile, i will decode or understand it by dividing the content of the voice into different segments, and use my short-term memory and if possible ,note-taking, to deliver the interpretation in the process of consecutive or simultaneous cases. now , i would like to tell you how to speak good english.

3-d methods (dialogue, discussion and debate) to improve your eloquence


having authentic and polished oral english is every learner’s dream, however, many of my students who spent a lot of years, money and efforts to speak this language well but failed to be able to communicate and speak out, the reason to which might be mainly confidence and methods. i notice that many students do well in speaking when conducting a prepared speech or presentation in class. but speaking english fluently is not just about making presentations and giving speeches. it is about expressing your ideas and insight on the most mundane of things around you. i still remember when i first landed on the soil of beijing 5 years ago; i could not communicate with my friends and even felt uneasy when going out with them because i did not have the confidence to start a conversation with my mandarin. it’s the same to the english learners who have no courage to start a topic and face an awkward silence after the initial greeting was given because they don't know what to talk about and are not confident of putting something across correctly, thus the conversation comes to end.

the ability to make dialogues is very important in social communication. topics for casual conversation could include the weather, education, music, current affairs; hobbies, travel, etc. do not always ask foreigner “what is your name and how is your job” when you want to find one to practice your english with. before going to english corner, please read up on your area of interest and try framing sentences expressing yo ……此处隐藏9136个字……有一些约定俗成的缩写如emp(european main ports,欧洲主要口岸)、swift(society for worldwide interban

financialtelecommunications,环球同业银行金融电讯协会) 等。这些缩写的含义相对固定,很少用来表达复杂多变的意思,因此也就通俗易懂、一目了然了。使用大量的专业术语。由于商务英语信函是国际贸易活动中交流的主要工具,那么大量的专业术语的出现也就不可避免了。例如,bill of lading( 也称blading,提单)、letter of credit (简称l / c,信用证)、documents against payment (简称d / p,付款交单) 等。对于不具备国际贸易实务方面基础知识的人来讲,这些专业术语无疑是学习上的一大障碍。

使用大量的礼貌用语。与一般日常英语不同,在商务英语信函中写信人总是力图使语气保持尽量客气,即使有时候信函的内容并不那么令人愉快( 例如索赔信)。所以,商务英语信函中常会使用大量的礼貌用语,而且这些用语对初学者来说看似繁复、冗长,但实际上一旦掌握其规律即可以驾轻就熟地使用并对信函的总体构架产生一定的帮助。例如,以表达感激、感谢作为一封信的开头是最常见的形式,而用来表示此含义的礼貌用语不下十余种, 主要有:

thank you for your letter of

we receive with thanks your letter of

we are obliged to receive your letter of

we appreciate your letter of

we are very much pleased /glad to receive your letter of

we acknowledge with thanks receipt of

we have received with pleasure your letter of


使用大量的同义、近义词。一方面,同义、近义词的使用体现了商务英语信函中语言的多样化和灵活性;另一方面,这些同义或近义词在含义和用法上有时候又不尽相同,体现了商务英语信函用词的精准。例如,goods / commodity / merchandise / shipment / cargo / freight / consignment这些词都可以指“货物”,虽用不同的词但指的是同一批货,但是不能因此就将它们混为一谈,因为如果按国际贸易的各个环节来划分,shipment / cargo / freight /consignment 一般指的

是在运输环节的货物, 而commodity / merchandise更侧重于指处于流通环节的商品,goods则是泛指货物。此外,shipment只能用于指水路运输的货物,而consignment还有“寄售”的含义。

保留了一些较为陈旧的词汇。在商务英语信函中,会有一些日常英语中较少用到的词汇.这些词汇主要是由here / there / where加上其他介词构成的,如here from / there from / hereinafter / where after / where about等。这些词汇之所以被保留在了商务英语信函中,主要是因为在合同、协议、备忘录等具有一定法律约束力的文件中要使用它们,而这些文件也是商务英语信函的一个组成部分。




翻译在英语学习的过程中是必不可少的。由于商贸问题具有很强的严谨性与正式性,因此在翻译方面,应做到词义准确,文意确切,避免出现歧义,使人产生不必要的误解。比如:上海太平洋织造厂生产的 “船” 牌印花床单,色好质优,在中国周边国家销售行情也较好, 但要在西方打开局面,把它的商标译为 “k lm n” 却会适得其反。因为a & 1 ’在英文中虽有 “帆船” 之义,但另一含义却是“废品”、“破铁旧罐”、“冒牌货”。试想有哪位经销商愿意 “一掷千金”之后抱回一堆“一文不值的废品”呢?为此,虽然商务英语是专门用途英语的一种,但它绝不是作为一门独立的语言而存在的,不论商务英语如何发展,它都不会违背英语语言的基本规律。没有英语语法、词法、句型等扎实的根基,“商务英语”这棵大树的枝叶就不可能“茂盛”。所以在学习过程中,可以从语法的角度去分析、判断、理解商务英语词句的结构与含义。准确使用商务英语术语,确定每个翻译单位在特定语境中的意义,使翻译恰如其分。作为专业的商务英语学者不仅要拥有流利是口语,非凡的听力,熟练的写作能力,还应该具备翻译能力。在充当中间者的时候,将对方的意思完全的表达给雇用方,翻译起到至关重要的作用。如何才能提高自己翻译能力,主要表现在词汇量的存储,语法的熟练,商务英语背景的熟悉还有翻译技巧的了解上。词汇量的拥有是翻译的主心脉,只有拥有了更多的商务英语词汇,才能更直观的表达出对方的意义所在。另外,语法的熟练,关系到翻译后的语句通顺,方便对方的理解。商务英语的背景则关系到一些风俗习惯,一个国家有一个国家的习惯和风俗,如果不能将这些信息有效的传达给对方,在一定程度上会影响到双方的和谐。翻译技巧,毋庸置疑,很让学者省出多余的精力。在商务英语的翻译中,利用好以上几点,便可提高翻译质量,提供更好的服务,让自己充分把握到商务英语这门学科。




